Puzzle of a Brand: Brand elements of Gurjaani Ice Cream
Davit Vadakaria
The brand Gurjaani ice cream has many attributes that define the image of Gurjaani, those attributes are considered as brand elements. In this research, we will try to analyze which brand elements the Gurjaani utilizes the most and which direction to focus the marketing to further help the brand. We will be focusing on 6 criteria to define brand elements: Memorability, meaningfulness, likability, transferability, adaptability, protectability.
When we are talking about memorability we expect the brand to be recognizable and easily recallable. In our case the actual name of our brand is Gurjaani, using place marketing makes the people attach the idea of the brand to a place. In our previous survey, 100% of the survey takers knew about the brand and knew what it was offering. In this case, we are sure that Gurjaani ice cream has a good memorability index which is mainly linked to the simple and easy name of the place.
The idea with the meaning of the brand is for the brand to be receptive to its definition. The title “Gurjaani ice cream” suggests what the brand is offering to the consumer. In another survey when we needed to understand what did people think about when hearing the name “Gurjaani”
89% of the respondents answered ice cream. This proves that the company was successful in attaching its brand to a place of Gurjaani.
Gurjaani ice cream has a cheerful and positive color scheme which consists of colors with a higher hue that connects to vibrant and strong emotions. As we mentioned in the previous analysis, the brand is highly associated with Jester’s archetype of a brand, they even have a type of ice cream named “Joker”. Which is similar to Ben and Jerry’s ice cream model. The appealing is directed to children which raises the level of likability, it leaves a feeling of playfulness. The elements of likability can be seen in the logo of the brand and the font. Because of the cursive and chubby lettering, the logo has a youthful feeling.
The main goal here is to make the consumer feel that they can get the product anywhere across the map. When checking the URL of the brand’s main webpage, the first thing they mention is where we can get their ice cream and they have an extensive list of all the shops that carry Gurjaani ice cream. They prioritize the information over aesthetics and want to make sure everyone can have access to their products.
One of the prominent examples of Gurjaanis adaptability is their newest invention of Diabetic ice cream. This sends a message of inclusivity that Gurjaani ice cream can be enjoyed by everyone.
- A suggestion would be to add non-dairy ice cream, which would be the first Georgian ice cream to do so. This includes people who are vegan or lactose intolerant.
When it comes to the competition in the market of ice cream, we see that the majority of the respondents of previous research thought that Gurjaani performed just as well as other brands. Nonetheless, the result is not astounding, and to increase the competitiveness of the brand we need to make clear differentiation of the brand from other competitors.
Top Competitors
- Tolia ice cream
- Barambo
- Luca Polare
Protectability also connects with the credibility of the brand, Gurjaani Ice cream motto/slogan is “50-year-old tradition of ice cream production” which underlines the importance of the heritage of Gurjaani ice cream and the history behind it.