Brand Nikora and the city of love
Author: Mariam Narimanidze
Sighnaghi sauce can be new sub brand of nikora’s product . Now we try to develop the new idea for Georgian National Brand – Nikora. different kind of meat is better with colourful sauce that why the company need new assortment for sausage. Sighnaghi sauce is connected with love . packiging of product has different colour and heart’s shape. On the packiging you can find various name, also you can find little funny stickers.
The company give customers the chance to express themselves through a packaging of sauce , share their experience with others. It doesn’t get any more personal than having your name on a Coke bottle! The campaign took advantage of the worldwide trend of self-expression and sharing, but it is more an emotional way.
Also various colour of sauce will be connected personality. they will choose the colour which describes their personality, next they will choisen name and these processes will be helped the company for better relationship with customers.
The new product will sell in Sighnaghi , almost in every supermarket. Also the discount will be good idea for customers , which buy 2 or more sauces. (-20%)
I prepared the idea of Packaging what can be like these:
I think also Nikora share some information with customers about colour . in social media they can post informations about colour psychology. The study of colors as a determinant of human behavior is known as color psychology. Color has an effect on sensations that aren’t immediately apparent, such as the flavor of food. Colors contain properties that might cause individuals to feel certain emotions.
Different colours have various of meaning that is connected with our personality. Chose your personal Sighnaghi sauce.
Student: Mariam Narimanidze
Couch Prof. Kakhaber Djakeli
Subject: Principles of Branding